How can you eliminate stress, anxiety and panic attacks before Christmas?

Balance on Purpose is giving people the gift of knowing themselves as divine beings at Christmas so they can enjoy what is really important and not get stressed out with too much shopping!


Balance on Purpose is offering free anxiety and stress-busting sessions to help you relax in the run up to Christmas! People with anxiety or panic related illnesses can get individualised help in these one to one video calls.


Jennifer Sanders, founder of Balance on Purpose says “Each person gets practical advice, specific to each individual, about the best way for them to deal with stress in the busy holiday season. The personal treatment you get in these sessions builds trust so that people can talk easily with me about the issues that cause them to get thrown off balance.” More information about the sessions is available at:


Christmas can be an emotional time, where relationship, financial or family issues seem more difficult. These anxiety and stress-busting sessions help people to regain their balance and perspective about what is important to them at Christmas time. Your true divine purpose and your soul gifts are the greatest presents you can give yourself.


Too often Christmas is seen as materialistic and just about having new things or the latest gadgets or toys. Society is now looking for a change to this and people are now searching for meaningful, ethical gifts. At Christmas we want to focus on sharing happy experiences with loved ones but it is easy to be drawn away from this and to worry about how we “should” buy lots of physical presents for everyone we care about. The aim of Balance on Purpose is to help people to stay centred on what is important to them and remember what their special way of sharing love at Christmas is. It is a really special gift that gives us a view of ourselves as divine beings with wonderful talents that we can share with our loved ones. Balance on Purpose helps people know that their way is perfect for them and reminds us how we can give ourselves permission to do things in our own way without worry.

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