Magical gifts

What gifts have you given yourself in the past few weeks?

Have you taken the time to nurture yourself and give yourself positive experiences that make you feel great?

When you do it is re-energising and fills you with positivity! It is so great when we do things we love, or we try out new activities to find out what we really can get passionate about and enjoy.

If you consider these activities as “gifts” that we give ourselves, then it brings a different meaning to the idea of giving a gift to someone. when we give a child the gift of doing an activity they adore and really get excited about, they experience themselves excelling and being the best they can be using their soul’s natural talents.

Giving these experiential gifts last a lifetime as they shape us, showing us how to easily have fun and how to work to our strengths. The people who really know their gifts and develop them can use those skills in their work and careers and take great pleasure from what they enjoy to earn money!

family success

Would you like to experience yourself focusing more and more on your strengths in daily life throughout work and at home, rather than feel like you struggle to get things completed? It can happen to any one of us that we live all the time trying to model what we think of as the “perfect life” living not embracing our strength but always struggling. So then we don’t live our own naturally balanced life, we are not true to ourselves and our own strengths and weaknesses and never attain that ideal anyway.

So what affects can this have if we do not appreciate our own validity and our own unique gifts?

If we do not value ourselves, especially when we compare ourselves to other people, this can lead to blocking off potential choices in our life. We are not able to experience all that we are able to. We miss out on amazing situations that we would enjoy so much, just because we cut ourselves off from believing that we could experience it. If this was you, then you would have more doubt about yourself and less faith in your ability to do it, so therefore you wouldn’t go after an opportunity when you saw it.

Your vision of the exciting path that you life can lead would be unclear at best and completely fuzzy and obscured at worst so your life would be more dull and less fulfilling – all created by you.

I invite you to watch my free video training that reveals the secret to abundant love and success for you and your family.

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