Inspired by your surroundings?


Do you want to change your life by being inspired by your surroundings? This beautiful lake is just a few minutes walk from my house and really is a place of calm that I go to regularly when I want to do some deep thinking and ponder my next step on a project.


Maybe you live in a built up residential area without much nature around, or you lack a garden space that you love. When there is not much “green life” around us we miss out on vital energies that trees, flowers, fields, streams, rivers and other natural beauty contains.

As well as the energy these places give to us they also provide inspiring views, walks and varied wildlife to enjoy. Being close day to day to nature in beautiful areas, parks or your own sacred garden connects us to positive energy everyday and we can’t help but be lifted in our vibration too. We are thankful and really celebrate life and the earth, rather than becoming drawn down into lower energies of drudgery and stress of “hum drum” thoughts and “rush hour” mindset.


The positive inspiration from areas of natural beauty draws us along our own personal journey towards our goals and aspirations so we continue to evolve and grow quickly, bringing in more love and more experiences we want.


In effect, we get a “step upwards” and uplevel our quality of life. The next step on our journey will be more easily available to us. Also, the stresses and struggles that we can face in life won’t bring us down as much as we have moved our vibration upwards so we can cope better than ever!


Be clear on what you want in the area where you live. Work towards getting to it one part at a time. Even if plans change you still have forward momentum getting you there, whilst you allow yourself to flexible in how it happens. Know clearly what you want, see it in your mind, visualise it is as many ways as you can. Write about it, describe it, find pictures that represent your vision. Look at them everyday!

I can’t think of a more wonderful way of upleveling your life than by living in a place full of fairy energy, angelic blessings and new growth. You get to be inspired each season as the plants and animals grow and change and there is always something new to see!


If you are not sure how to get to where you want to be in your surroundings and feel you lack clear guidance from your own inner wisdom then I would really love to be of help in a free “soul healing session”. Please just click here and fill in the web form to apply.

Balance On Purpose

Sending lots and lots of wonderful wildlife love!


Jennifer Sanders

Balance On Purpose


12 thoughts on “Inspired by your surroundings?”

  1. Yes I know that where I klive and what I look at daily does inspire me? The beach the sun the sea and the sky not to mention the Lorrikettes this morning collecting nector on the native bottlebrush

    1. Thanks for sharing that image Suzie, I can just see them now, aren’t the gorgeous!! I was wondering are you living in Australia? I was reading up about Lorikeets and I think it is very romantic that they are said to mate for life like other parrots do aw!!! xxx

  2. I am blessed to live in Washington State, full of nature at every corner (unless you are downtown Seattle then every corner is a coffee stand!). Lots of trees to hug! We have finally had some sunshine this week and so I’ve been outside a little more. You are so right about our vibration in regards to the connection! I love being able to walk on the beach or go up into the mountains whenever I can!

    1. Dear Laura,
      Ooh I’ve never been to your area before but would love to. Are you close to the mountains there? Glad you have had more sunshine and that summer is almost here! Thanks for your comment love Jennyx

  3. I have a very clear vision od the surroundings I want in my life and have actually written the story of my ideal life in juicy detail as if I am already in it. It’s a great exercise for seeing that. Mine involves peace, lots of trees and sunshine 🙂

    1. Hi Louise 🙂 Thanks for your comment, glad you have a clear picture of your ideal surroundings. I’m sure the trees will love having you and your family around too when you do get to that place! We also have a positive effect on the environment when we put our love and attention onto it aswell. Lots of love Jennyx

  4. I am working to recover from some injuries right now, and I find being outside very healing. I go in my backyard and just walk the perimeter, feeling the soft ground underneath. Your post affirms how important this time in nature is for me, and I look forward to being able to walk more and go to some of the beautiful places nearby.

    1. Dear Judy, I wish you a speedy recovery and hope that being in nature does help this process for you. I think it will be a boost physically and emotionally as you get to walk more and see more things as you get better and better. Sending lots of healing love Jennyx

  5. I love what you are saying here. This appreciation of nature and feeling the closeness has changed my life. I have, over the last 4 years, moved from Toronto living to a cottage life with a view of the lake. And now that I have this beautiful space where I can really feel the world around me in such a natural connected way, I can’t imagine why it took me so long to get back to the country living that I came from. Don’t get me wrong, I love that did the city thing, because I have the understanding of city living and can fully appreciate where I am now.

    (When I was working in a factory I would always stop in between trucks when I could to look at a single tree on the hill that I could see through the door. It was the best part of my day)

    1. Thanks Kate, I used to live in eh city and had my own garden which I loved sitting in. It was a little part of nature in my own home. I really love now that there is so much more wildlife living in the countryside and I always so many more more birds, insects, lizards and farm animals too. If you have a picture of Toronto I’d love to see it as I’m sure its really different to what I know here in Europe! 🙂

  6. Being around Nature, nature spirits and the animal world has been absolutely what has sustained me in my most challenging times. When I forget that, and spend too much time indoors, I can really feel the difference in my energy level and my world outlook. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Yay! Yes being in nature is such a boost, and the extra bonus of being free and completely healthy and positive is great. Thanks for sharing your experience 🙂

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