The party season – why you must celebrate!

Why are YOUR celebrations important?

As the start of winter approaches and we are moving out of the astrologically deep cleansing time that we have recently had it’s time to celebrate!

We have been looking at our deepest emotions and relationships and letting go of old emotional patterns that are not in our highest good so we have the chance to celebrate this release.

Jennifer Sanders

If you do not celebrate, then the dark feelings that you released can overwhelm you and you may focus too much on the shadow part of yourself and let your mood fall down. Even getting depressed, sad or feeling sorry for yourself.

All of which don’t help and leave you despairing for the difficult feelings you have just been through.

Going inside yourself can lead to a bit of nostalgic “navel gazing” OR you can use this chance to remember your own connections to love in your life!

Being aware of where love does not come from in your life allows you to see where love DOES flow more easily!

So celebrating in the midst of all the darkest places shines your intention and light onto the magical wonderful parts of you yay!

Remember, the reason we go deeply inside our pain and ourselves is so that we will afterwards feel better than before!

If we let ourselves go into a downward spiral instead of enjoying ourselves then the journey is not completed effectively.

We will NOT have learnt the life lesson and come through it.

Many people suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) in the winter as they feel the loss of the light and warmth of summer. But the real light comes from inside YOU and not outside. From what you DO to feel and share love.

So what are you celebrating for yourself now?

What do you now know about yourself that you love, which you are now able to see more clearly after the recent times of reflection and release?

I now have space for just 4 soul healing sessions so if you would like to get back in touch with your love and celebrate how amazing you are then please apply here