Dear to my heart

Jennifer sandersPure, positive love.

This is the topic of my article for this week.

I am feeling lucky in love. Even though this is a really sad week for me and my family, because my grandad passed away last Saturday.
As sad as this is, I am feeling lucky too because I got to be surrounded by unconditional love from my grandparents.

I am also so pleased that my soul picked such a great family to be born into 🙂

All my grandparents are and were kind and caring and special each in their own different way. My grandad was solid, dependable, funny and had the most tickly beard and side burns!!!

The pleasure that has come from being with my grandparents throughout my childhood and adult life has been immense.

It is a joy thinking of all the time I’ve spent with them. It was always fun and laughter on birthdays, holidays and anniversaries.

They never had a cross word or argument with me.

For me this is the closest to pure and unconditional love that I have experienced in a relationship.

I think this happened because they were such good people and so I was always on my best behaviour! I was inspired by their love and gentleness to be the best person that I could be too.

I am so grateful for being able to have that experience of pure and positive love here on Earth.

And for it being a constant in my life.

Now as i’m moving forward in my adult life, of almost 33 years, I going to make sure that the rest of my life I’ll continue this energetic vibration of pure, positive love in my life, surrounding me and those I interact with.

Then one day I’ll have grandchildren who will enjoy their life and be wonderful, caring individuals for themselves, their families and the world around them too.

And I will of course continue to work with clients in an ongoing way and help them create this quality of energy in their life too 😉 Looking forward to working with you – click here to find out more about how my work will benefit you I have just 5 Soul healing session spots left in the next week!

16 thoughts on “Dear to my heart”

  1. Jennifer your post touched my heart. I am sorry for the loss of your grandfather, he sounds like such a wonderful man. The people in our lives is what really makes a life. Thank you for this great reminder!

    ~ Tonya

  2. Jennifer, I so sorry to hear about your grandfather passing. He must have been very special to you. Send him, you and your family love and light. It sounds like you have a very loving family.

  3. Such a lovely post – has me missing my grandparents today. I was lucky enough to know all four of my grandparents and they were all wonderful. Like you, I’m looking forward to my own grandchildren and to be the type of grandma that they will cherish and remember.

  4. What a beautiful post and how bleesed you are to be surrounded by grandparents, something I missed in my life. it seems you have lots of blessing to count and that with love makes us keep going and growing xx

  5. This brought a tear to my eye – it’s many years since my Grandparents passed – I was closest to my mothers side though I loved my Dads Dad – he died when I was wuite young though. I hope to be the best Grandma in the world :)I am sorry for your loss

  6. Beautiful and sincere words, straight from your heart. You are a blessing to everyone who knows you xxx

  7. Hi Jennifer,

    I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather passing, but happy to hear that you had such a great relationship with him and with your family. Not everyone has that, so you are very blessed. I do believe our souls choose our family too 🙂


    1. Thank-you Christina, I do count those blessings everyday and feel very lucky. Lots of love back to you 🙂

  8. I love what you said about your being happy that your souls chose such a loving family to be born into. Me to!!! My grandparents were not around to be a part of my adult life. I never knew my Granddads as they had passed before I was born. My Dad’s Mom I remember well. She died when I was 9. My Mom’s Mom died when I was almost 20. We had so many wonderful grown up conversations. Grandparents have a very unique way about them don’t they. I am sorry for your sadness but I am so happy that you have shared your point of view as it is.

    1. Thank-you Kate, I wanted to write about what happened this week as it is obviously what is at the forefront of my life at the moment. Thanks for your comment 🙂

  9. I had that kind of love from my dad but never knew it until years later. And I got it from my husband. He had been a gift to me and I didn’t know that for many years. I am so grateful for the path I’ve traveled and the ones who helped me see the good in me whether I saw it or not.

    Julieanne Case
    Always from the heart!

    Reconnecting you to your Original Blueprint, Your Essence, Your Joy| Healing you from the Inside Out |Reconnective Healing | The Reconnection| Reconnective Art |

    1. Dear Julianne
      It is hardest for us left behind being without the ones we love in our physical world anymore. But you are right that we take comfort from knowing how they saw us and being that person and bringing lots of love into our lives. Xxx

  10. What a blessing to have been surrounded and encouraged by so much love. Your grandparents all sound wonderful. I am so sorry about the death of your grandad, it can be tough to let go of having loving family members around.

    1. Thank-you Jen for your kind words, it will be tough going back for the funeral next week but at the same time lovely to see my family. xxxx

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